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Our work is

We help leaders all over the world deliver on their promises.

Our clients are leaders of social impact organizations and governments at every level, taking on some of the biggest challenges of our time. We are their delivery partner.

What would it take to scale urban innovation in Latin America?

Five cities across Latin America needed help assessing the early outcomes of their innovation programs, to promote continuous learning and understand better what might work at scale. The programs varied in sector – agriculture, financial inclusion, urban development, education, and health – as well as size – from 160 farmers supported in São Paulo to 22,000+ users of Bancuadra’s microcredits in Medellín. Different quantitative methods were deployed to measure the effectiveness of the projects, and results were used to build momentum and scalability.

What would it take to increase agricultural productivity?

IFAD and the Samoan Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries are using digital data systems to deliver grant support to smallholder farmers more quickly and efficiently.

What would it take to effectively protect the most vulnerable people during a crisis?

The Ehsaas Emergency Cash transfer programme shows what is possible when effective social protection measures are enacted for vulnerable populations.

What would it take to make the most of development funds?

To meet sustainable development goals, IFAD is investing in member countries’ internal capacity to deliver and scale solutions.

What would it take to reduce gun violence in american cities?

A diverse coalition in the City of Louisville, Kentucky came together to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding towards a comprehensive and evidence-based plan to reduce gun violence.

What would it take to create enduring change?

A decade-long consistent application of the delivery approach has helped the government of Punjab build the infrastructure required for improved public services, while also building a foundation for improved governance and citizen outcomes.

What would it take to deliver exceptional public services?

The government of New South Wales, Australia, has worked with residents, communities, public servants, and the private sector to make life better for people across the state.

What would it take to ensure every dollar spent on education benefits students?

The Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) was recovering from the losses Hurricanes Maria and Irma caused. DA helped by defining and organizing criteria for federal allocation of support and by identifying opportunities to save resources and distribute them in high-need areas.

What would it take to improve health security for three billion people by 2023?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is in the midst of a large-scale transformation – one with an historic emphasis on improving real-life outcomes for people on the ground.

What would it take to improve vaccine equity?

South Bend, Indiana created a joint city-county task force, informed by data and dedicated to vaccine equity, to improve vaccination delivery, especially among Black and Hispanic communities, while improving transparency and accountability to the public at large.

What would it take to support cities in COVID-19 response and recovery?

Youngstown, Ohio improved resident outreach to share information and public health guidance quickly, streamline vaccine booking, and lift an enormous burden off the shoulders of beleaguered city staff.

What would it take to save lives through digital contact tracing?

Mission-driven design thinking and close collaboration with government, tech, and residents allowed for development and deployment of a live-saving app in Jordan – in just three weeks.

What would it take to improve health security for three billion people by 2023?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is in the midst of a large-scale transformation – one with an historic emphasis on improving real-life outcomes for people on the ground.

What would it take to turn crisis into opportunity?

With over half the world living in major urban centers, cities play a critical role in COVID-19 response and recovery—especially when it comes to advocating for vulnerable populations.

What would it take for US Cities to meet Paris agreement emissions reduction commitments by 2025?

Meeting global carbon emissions reduction goals takes participation at every level of government, all over the world. The American Cities Climate Challenge harnesses the unique role of cities in this international effort.

What would it take to create public value?

To deliver the best possible value for every tax pound spent, the UK Treasury is shifting to an outcomes-oriented culture that incentivises efficiency, innovation, continuous improvement, and – most importantly – results.

Our theory of
change in practice.

Here's what it takes


Deliverology: The art and science of getting things done in government.

Crafting good policy is important, but it’s only the beginning. Implementation is where the rubber hits the road, and it’s where a lot of good ideas (and even good policies) fail. We prioritize implementation, knowing the sooner you put your ideas into practice, the sooner you know how they perform in the real world.


Measurement & Evaluation

An unwavering focus on the end result.

Leaders need a clear view of how their programs and policies are performing in the real world. This means defining and tracking metrics that matter, and using them to drive routine check-ins. Independent assessments can go a long way in building internal visibility, evidence-based policy, and public trust. 


DA Digital

Great data and digital integration.

You can’t run a government without good tech. But even the best tech can’t run a government. Leaders need a digital plan grounded in delivery systems.


Delivery Institute

Capacity and community building.

The best leaders never stop learning. The best teams never stop training. We’re building a global repository of knowledge for a growing community of public sector practice, because we believe any team can develop the skills and structures needed to deliver on their agenda, time and time again. 

What would it take What would it take What would it take What would it take
What would it take What would it take What would it take What would it take
What would it take What would it take What would it take What would it take
What would it take What would it take What would it take What would it take
What would it take What would it take What would it take What would it take

Deliver Differently


We work exclusivelyin the public interest

For us, public sector work isn’t a subspecialty, a stepping stone, or a PR stunt. It’s our singular passion. We’ve worked in and adjacent to governments our whole lives; we understand how they function and we believe in their enduring potential to make life better for people all over the planet.


Our “I do, We do, You do” approach leaves teams with the structures and skills they need to make change happen again and again—without us. Until then, we show up day in and day out, working alongside governments at every level as they aspire, prioritize, track, troubleshoot, persist, and deliver on their promises. 


We don’t log off and leave the planet. We live here, too. Our work matters to us professionally and personally, and that passion underscores everything we do.

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