Amy believes our biggest global policy challenges can be addressed with better collaboration and problem-solving. She's passionate about helping government leaders, philanthropies, and nonprofits deliver on their priorities in climate, clean energy, economic recovery, and pandemic response.
Delivery Experience
Amy leads multiple projects in the U.S. focused on climate, sustainability, and COVID-19 response. Her area of expertise is designing and shaping support for U.S. cities, having led programs like the American Cities Climate Challenge, the Bloomberg COVID -19 Local Response Initiative, and the Over Zero Election Violence Prevention effort. She also brings deep expertise in climate policy at the global, national, and local levels. Her partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council has helped shape both organization-level and national-level climate strategy.
Other Experience
Prior to joining DA, Amy was a policy analyst in CA Governor Jerry Brown's office, preceded by her experience as a digital analytics consultant at Deloitte and Accenture. She was awarded an MPP for her work studying international climate agreements and negotiations between vulnerable parties. While obtaining her degree in Mechanical Engineering, Amy spent 3 years as a thermal engineering analyst at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where she helped design and test thermal protection systems for satellites now orbiting the moon and Earth.
Media & Reports
Books & Publications